Global Organization for Brighter Youth


Goby educate provides SACE accredited physical education training and methodology for educators.

The training includes theory as well as the practical element and is delivered by approved facilitators. As part of the training, educators will also receive manuals, lesson plans and access to online videos.

By training them as well as providing videos online, we will be providing educators all the ammunition they require in the execution of their duties.

In addition, educators receive training from Goby Ambassador Luke Lamprecht, who is a child protection and development trainer in the S4D and education arenas.


"I was very happy to be invited as GOBY’s message was fantastic, we were hands on and we benefited a lot. It’s opened my eyes and I will change the way I teach the children."
Sheshisa Primary School
"I work in a special school and our learners want to be involved and engaged the GOBY project and the topics shared have reopened my mind wider."
Bright Future Special School


Assist with regular beach and community clean ups.

Implement physical education interventions in schools.

Engage learners on the importance of reusing and provide knowledge on how to make sports equipment from plastic waste.

Deliver SACE Accredited programmes to qualify teachers as Physical Education instructors.

Contributes to Asset Based Community Development through the placement of Youth Leads into schools to assist with sports coaching plus plastic waste projects.

Striving to make a huge impact to the environment, through partnerships we convert waste plastic into recycled environmentally friendly products, for example schools desks.